
Hi again buddies!

      Well, the day of presenting my video has come!!!  I told you a lot of details about this astonishing project in this post. 

      As you already know I work collaboratively with other colleagues, please click on their names to discover their exciting and didactic blogs: Mei, Laura, Ana y Fátima. The title of the video clip is Discovering the Americas, are you ready???🙋


Do you want to  see it again? Oooook, click here.

       The creation of  the video was extremely fun! Despite being our first educational video, I think it is quite good. Anyway, we will be able to make better videos in the future. We went to the Ministry of Education where there was the chroma key. All the members of the group brought several customes and props. We printed the storyboard in a big size and used it as prompts so that we could read the text properly.Nowadays we have a lot of work to do and we thought it would be a helpful resource, but students can memorize the dialogues if you prefer. We spent  enjoyable moments recording the video and we couldn't stop laughing, indeed we had to repeat some scenes. Undoubtedly, Ana's song was hilarious, the best moment.😂

      It took us about 30 minutes to record the video so it was fine, taking account that the video length is 18 minutes.What can I say? Working with effective and well-prepared people is always an enriching experience. 

      After  recording the video, we edited it with imovie, which is a video editing software application for the Mac and iOS to edit videos in a simple way, you'll find  different tutorials in youtube. Of course we added music under CC0 as you can see in the credits. Apart from imovie you can use:

      As you can see in the post I linked above, the project is intended for fifth graders and the main purpose is to recreate an historical event as the title indicates. We thought that this clip would be highly suitable in order to introduce the topic in a motivating way. Furthermore, it's useful to set out a flipped classroom since this clip enables to build a wide range of activities around it. We can ask our students to :
  • research about how many voyages Columbus made.
  • locate in a map the continents, oceans, seas and countries through which Columbus and his crew passed.
  • investigate and explain the concept of magnetism by making a compass.
  • make a timeline with the most inportant facts about the discovering of Americas.
  • create their own videos based on researching about a specific topic which can be used as an assessment tool since it allows us to evaluate not only subject knowledge but also our student's English level.
      Yes!!! Why not? Our students should make their storyboards and create their own videos,we only must bear in mind their level and adapt the resources and roles, for instance we can ask second and third graders to write a simple story, then we will record them. Regarding fourth graders, they can record short videos by flipgrid on their own because it is pretty simple, and finally in highly grades, we can ask pupils  to make a storyboard, record and edit their own educational videos. Certainly motivating, appealing and... challenging!

      I can just add that it has been an unforgettable and amusing experience in which I have learnt how to create educational videos, a valuable educational resource with endless possibilities. So let's take full advantage of them !!

I hope you like it, please feel free to comment!

See you!



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