
Hi everyone! How was your Easter break? Did you recharge your batteries? I do! Well, let’s start with a very interesting post about podcasts.

Podcasts are basically audios that we can use in audio projects of different kinds like a school radio. They are highly didactic and versatile resources since we can work any kind of subject content in an original, entertaining and motivating way. Our students can work individually, in pairs or groups and they will improve not only their communicative competence but also their autonomy and responsibility since doing podcasts involves different stages as you can see in my audio project that you will find at the end of this post.

These “audio shows” can be shared using different formats such as school or classroom radio and blogs or we can even set up virtual audio classrooms in which students share their knowledge and interests.All the key competences can be developed through these  while children have fun, but this information is explained in depth in my audio project.

Do you need more reasons to use podcasts in class? I’ll give you two more reasons: students will learn to handle different digital resources and tools and also their patience, responsibility and work capacity will be boosted since they will experience themselves that there is a lot of work (searching and selecting information, sketching ideas, making a draft, writing a script, rehearsing, recording the audio, licensing their podcasts, uploading them in the adequate platform…) behind a five-minute podcast.As you can see, an audio project involves many areas of knowledge and competences so it becomes a real and meaningful learning process.

And what about the tools and resources needed? This is the best part because it is so easy! That’s why it is a good resource to use in class because our students can manage it with no problem. I started podcasting with an online platform called Soundcloud  but you can also use these:
First of all, you must create an account and login in, then you can use this tool freely that it's extremely easy, you just have to upload your audio, I recorded it previoulsy with my computer but you can use your mobile too, after that you can tag your podcast and include a brief description and a picture.Finally, you can organize your podcasts in playlists with different topics which is useful to work in class and organize groups.Soundcloud enables you to license your podcasts under CC0 easily, share and embed them in your blog or wherever you want. You can also listen to other people's podcasts but Soundcloud doesn't allow you to record audios with the free version nor add music to your podcasts, although you can listen to music under CC0 license and make playlists.All in all, I highly recommend this platform because it is easy, simple and helpful so it is suitable for our student.Here you can see the license I chose.


Here you can find my audio project which it is a Google doc.


This is my channel

This is my first playlist of relaxing music, you have a lot of music under CC0 to choose.

and finally my welcome podcast 

I hope you enjoy it!!


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