My experience in Twima 8


Hi buddies!

       How are you today? Do you want to know what my new finding is? Don't be impatient, firstly open your ears because I'm going to talk to you about stories which can come from any part of the world.  We live various experiences at the end of the day and need to share them with someone else, that is why stories play an essential role in our lives. Storytelling precedes writing and it's the oldest way to convey feelings and experiences, although new and different ways to tell our personal stories have appeared, the essence remains. We know that children are always willing to share both their positive and negative experiences, consequently we should provide them with a wide range of opportunities to communicate their stories since it is crucial to develop not only their communicative competence but also their social skills, self-confidence and personal identity.

      This week I've joined in a worldwide collaborative project called Twima, the world is your audience that is about sharing a special story through a video, its main purpose is to connect students from all over the world by telling stories. You can find this project in a social learning platform called Flipgrid you only have to sign up for it as a teacher or as a student and there is a code to join. 

      If well used, this project has an enormous educational potential since you can take advantage of all the benefits of storytelling by listening to students' stories on the other side of the globe and at the same time they will be listened to, it's absolutely amazing, isn't it?

      Taking part in Twima has been a positive and enriching experience, although I must admite that I was a little bit nervous because the title is really challenging, I mean everyone can listen to you, wherever they are! Furthermore, it was not easy for me to choose a personal story because I started to consider if they are appropriate, original, dull, too private and so on. Finally, I asked myself about the most unforgettable experiences I had lived and I saw a dolphin... I got it! I was going to talk about my experience working on a cruise ship. I'm explaining this because apparently it's an easy task but it involves self-reflection, evaluation and decision making. Once I had decided my story, I did a draft to organize my thoughts and then I recorded it, which it's simple because you can use it the platform to do it.

      Actually, I recorded it twice, even though the first one was the best but I realised that I had mispronounced a simple word so I tried to improve it and the result was less spontaneous and there will probably be some mistakes but I didn't notice them. By the way, I didn't know how to stop the recording, that is why I have poker face at the end. All in all, I had fun preparing and recording video.

I also tweeted my experience in #twima8 #ictclil_urjc , click here and here

 This is the whole grid  and after that you can watch my video. I hope you enjoy it.


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