
Hi mates! How are you?

I'm excited with this new entry about educational slideshows because they offer us a new world of endless resources in order to present subject contents to our students in an engaging way.Nowadays, we need to motivate and  catch the attention of pupils to get a sucessful learning and it's far from easy since kids are constantly estimulated by different channels such as TV, computers, tablets, videogames, 3D movies and so on.

From my viewpoint, the introduction of new content is one of the most critical stages in the teaching-learning process because kids usually find explanations boring and, unfortunately, the curriculum contents are quite extensive, and at the same time if you don't grab their attention from the beginning, it will be very difficult to get children involved later. That is why it is important to present new contents in an appealing way and visual supports enable us not only to get this, but also to facilitate content understanding to our students since concepts and ideas can be highly reinforced and enriched by visual aids.

We must also bear in mind that explanations of textbooks are capable of being improved, currently I'm working with a Natural Science book which I don't like very much because it focuses too much on dispensable ideas, however it doesn't explain clearly key concepts.That is precisely what I like most about educational slideshows, they enable teachers to select, organize, sequence, add and change contents as you consider appropriate.

But, let's get to the point: Genial.ly.  Just go to the website and enjoy! Let's me explain, there are different tools to create slideshows and presentations:
-Google slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/
-Prezi: https://prezi.com/
-Powtoon: https://www.powtoon.com/home/
-Biteslide: https://www.biteslide.com/

I had always used Power Point to make presentations but it's a bit old-fashioned, then I started employing Prezi and recently I discovered Powtoon.Therefore I decided to try Genial.ly and now I love it!
As usual, you have to create an account, then you log in and start to look into the website. Initially, I felt a bit confused because I saw too many options but I realised that there was a sidebar on the left with instructions which explained how to create your first slideshow easily and in detail. So you just have to navigate and discover all the possibilites this tool offers you. The page is useful and well-organised, different resources (slideshows,presentations videos, quizzes or maps) are classified into categories according to the purpose (explanations, presentations or interactions).

Here you have the outcome, it is a slideshow about ecosystems for fith graders, I hope you enjoy it.
Please, feel free to comment.

See you mates!

This is the presentation that I made with my classmates.


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