Say hello to my avatar


Hello class!

I introduce my first avatar which I did it with 

My avatar's name is Teacher Cris, she forbade me from telling her age, I think she's a bit vain. Anyway, she  enjoys watching musical films, cooking bakery, visiting exhibitions, especially educational and photography ones.Furthermore she's keen on learning English but he's not very skilled at ICTs.

Regarding the process of creation of the avatar, initially I  used which I liked it because it was my first "avatar experience" and my main concern was to find an easy and manageable tool and it was, so I enjoyed my first attempt. Unfortunately, I hadn't read the rubric (ups!) so I read it and I realised that it was advisable that my avatar spoke (it couldn't be so easy).

Finally, I chose voki because there were a lot of apps to select but you need apple devices for some of them and I don't have them. My mobile  is also quite old-fashioned so I cannot download some appealing apps such as bitmoji or snapchat (yes, all are "advantages" and yes, I have to change my mobile but it's not the moment right now).

Coming back to Voki, the site seemed intuitive to me which was a good start. I followed some easy steps to create an account, after that I loged in and I began to make the avatar. There were a lot of animals and characters to choose, however the range of accesories (hair, glasses, clothes) was significantly limited and you had to pay in order to access a wider range.
The main drawback, in my opinion, is that when you think you have finished, you cannot use the avatar without paying for it before. Eventually, I was able to share the avatar by making a screenshot and attaching it to this post.

Surprisingly, I' ve enjoyed this task because it has been easier than I thought, as I said the site was manageable and the process of making the avatar is creative and fun. The most interesting of this activity has been to discover this useful tool and to learn to use it since, undoubtedly, an avatar can be an appealing resource in order to do different activities in class, indeed the act itself of doing it.

And that's all folks!


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