
It's just the beginning

Translator Hi mates!         I feel a little bit sad because the course is ending and therefore this is my last post, now it's time to study since I have to take my exams next week.😱😱       These days, I've been working hard in my final artifact that is an audiovisual presentation whereby you'll see my learning process in this subject. In this artifact, you'll find a reflection on all the tools that I've used, my favourite ones, what I liked least of all and what I found more and less useful. To avoid repeating myself, I'm going to talk to you about how I' ve lived this learning process and, of course, I'll explain how I've created my arti

My experience in Twima 8

Translator Hi buddies!        How are you today? Do you want to know what my new finding is? Don't be impatient, firstly open your ears because I'm going to talk to you about stories which can come from any part of the world.  We live various experiences at the end of the day and need to share them with someone else, that is why stories play an essential role in our lives. Storytelling precedes writing and it's the oldest way to convey feelings and experiences, although new and different ways to tell our personal stories have appeared, the essence remains. We know that children are always willing to share both their positive and negative experiences, consequently w


Translator Hi again buddies!       Well, the day of presenting my video has come!!!  I told you a lot of details about this astonishing project in this post.        As you already know I work collaboratively with other colleagues, please click on their names to discover their exciting and didactic blogs: Mei , Laura , Ana y Fátima . The title of the video clip is Discovering the Americas , are you ready???🙋                    Do you want to  see it again? Oooook, click here.        The creation of  the video was extremely fun! Despite being our first educational video, I think it is quite good. Anyway, we will be able to make better videos in the future. We went t


Translator Hi everyone!       How are you? I bring a lot of interesting and fresh information about the digital competence so let me explain all this in detail. I've just attended my first live webinar, which is a neologism composed by the words "web" and "seminar", offered by an University of Barcelona, the Institut de Formació Contínua-IL3, click here for further information.       Well, I followed some simple steps to attend this online seminar called "Learning online and educational digital competence": firstly I signed up in this link , then I received a confirmation email and later on another one including all the needed information (


Translator Hi guys! How are you? Spring is already here and a lot of fresh ideas come up.      Today I'm going to explain a project that it's been  carried  out with some colleagues of mine. I'm sure that you know a learning strategy called "flipped classroom"whose main objective is to provide students the opportunity to apply their knowledge. Students become builders of their own learning so they play a main role in this teaching model .Videos are really useful in flipped classroom since you can introduce, review or  extend contents of any subject. Furthermore, videos can be used to show  how to solve a problem, do an experiment or present a challenge.Undo


Translator Hi everyone! How was your Easter break? Did you recharge your batteries? I do! Well, let’s start with a very interesting post about podcasts. Podcasts are basically audios that we can use in audio projects of different kinds like a school radio. They are highly didactic and versatile resources since we can work any kind of subject content in an original, entertaining and motivating way. Our students can work individually, in pairs or groups and they will improve not only their communicative competence but also their autonomy and responsibility since doing podcasts involves different stages as you can see in my audio project that you will find at the end of this pos