
Showing posts from March, 2023


Translator Hi guys! How are you? Spring is already here and a lot of fresh ideas come up.      Today I'm going to explain a project that it's been  carried  out with some colleagues of mine. I'm sure that you know a learning strategy called "flipped classroom"whose main objective is to provide students the opportunity to apply their knowledge. Students become builders of their own learning so they play a main role in this teaching model .Videos are really useful in flipped classroom since you can introduce, review or  extend contents of any subject. Furthermore, videos can be used to show  how to solve a problem, do an experiment or present a challenge.Undo


Translator Hi everyone! How was your Easter break? Did you recharge your batteries? I do! Well, let’s start with a very interesting post about podcasts. Podcasts are basically audios that we can use in audio projects of different kinds like a school radio. They are highly didactic and versatile resources since we can work any kind of subject content in an original, entertaining and motivating way. Our students can work individually, in pairs or groups and they will improve not only their communicative competence but also their autonomy and responsibility since doing podcasts involves different stages as you can see in my audio project that you will find at the end of this pos