
Showing posts from January, 2023

Content curation, a great invention!

Translator Hi everyone!  This old panda is sometimes overwhelmed by the huge amount of information surrounding us. Undoubtedly, the endless educational resources on the internet provide teachers valuable help, however it is important to know how and where to find the material we really need, otherwise the research becomes time-consuming and not very useful . Anyway, it is not always easy to find what you are exact ly looking for and during the process you have to discard too much useless information. Th erefore, once we get what we need it is worth keeping it properly .   My searching method is improving over time but I have to admit that my "content curation method&qu

Healthy food, healthy body

Translator Translator everyone ! Hello everyone!   I'm  happy to share with you my third post about how to use images. As you know, when creating digital contents we use other people's pictures which is ok but it's important to use them properly. How do we do that? Don't worry it's easy peasy! 😉   We must respect the authorship of the pictures used by citing and attributing